“Tawheed Essential Learning for Children” bears almost nothing in common with other Islamic workbooks on the market. Carefully developed around “Teaching Children Tawheed” by Shaykhul-Islam Muhammad bin ‘Abudl-Wahhaab, this workbook targets how well the child understands basic principles of tawheed, through real life applications; a challenging skill for even adults to master. The child is asked to construct a Venn Diagram, write a friendly letter, as well as write poems. All of which is based upon their understanding of tawheed and its principles. These conceptual applications encourage the child to put on their “thinking cap” and clearly communicate what they were taught regarding tawheed in writing.
“Tawheed Essential Learning for Children” is a 24 page children’s workbook that’s simple in textual content, yet provokes thought and understanding for the child along with the parent about tawheed. Insha Allah, it can not be completed in a day or two; or even a week. With proper parental guidance, insha Allah, parents will be able to better gauge their child’s strengths and weakness of tawheed.